
Fuks, Irma:

Nagrobek Ludwiki Kierbedź z Cmentarza Powązkowskiego w Warszawie. Problemy konserwatorskie
The gravestone of Ludwika Kierbedi from Powazki Cementery in Warsaw. Conservation problems


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Beteiligte, Autor/inn/en:

II. l. Nagrobek Ludwiki Kierbedź, zm. w 1872 r. Stan obiektu z 1997 r. Cmentarz Powązkowslci w Warszawie. Fot. Marcin Witkowski
II. l. Nagrobek Ludwiki Kierbedź, zm. w 1872 r. Stan obiektu z 1997 r. Cmentarz Powązkowslci w Warszawie. Fot. Marcin Witkowski
The paper presents the analysis of biochemical problems in urban conditions. The conservation of the gravestone of Ludwika Kierbedi; from Powazki Cemetery in Warsaw has been preceded by detailed studies of interdependency between technological construction, exposition conditions and destruction processes. Particular attention has been drawn to the interaction between limestone and sandstone elements and the extreme prevailing at the cemetery. Conservation works have been carried out gradually, and to a vast extent. They involved object dismantling and transport, surface cleaning, desalting, crack filling and reconstruction, structural strengthening, surface and structural hydrophobization, colour unification of fillers, as well as the assembly of the object at Powazki Cemetery.

Polish Essay with English abstract from the book
Korzeniowski,Tomasz (wyd.): Materialy II, Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Naukowej Studentów Konserwacji Zabytków,Torun, 24 - 26 lutego 2000 r., Tom II, Torun 2000 (= Studenci o konserwacji 2)


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Beteiligte, Autor/inn/en:

  • Irma Fuks (Autor/in)