Academic thesis

Matthias Laeuchli: Deformations of the painting structure because of the weight of heavy impasto back

Language: Original   -   Translation
Abstract: The weight of heavy impasto of large modern and contemporary paintings often leads to permanent deformations of the painting structure. The influence of different synthetic binding media on the mechanical properties of these structures was investigated. In a creep test streched samples were loaded. In addition, a stress-strain test was executed on sample strips under different controlled relative humidities. It was shown that on painting structures with amorphous paint layers properties of the textile support remained dominant, whereas these can be superimposed by cross-linked paint systems. However, during 2000 hours of experimental time creep processes were observed on all samples. The penetration depth of the paint into the textile structure showed a strong influence on the deformation over the sample area.


  • academic institution: Hochschule der Künste Bern
  • kind of theses:  Diplomarbeit
  • main Tutor:  Stefan Zumbähl
  • assistant Tutor:  Dr. Walter R. Caserl
  • date:  2004
  • pages:  64
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